Brow Pre Care & Healing Process
NOTE: Please read BEFORE your appointment. The consent form we provide at your appointment will ask you to confirm that you have received, read and understand this information.

Before your appointment:
Cosmetic Botox or fillers should be done at least 4 weeks before or after to your procedure.
If you have previous permanent makeup by another artist (even if it's very old or faded), you MUST SEND US A PHOTO before booking so that we can confirm you are candidate.
Must not be pregnant or nursing.
Please DO NOT consume alcohol or take any blood thinners (aspirin, opioid pain killers, fish oil capsules) 48 hours BEFORE your procedure, this may cause bleeding and may affect your results.
Stay hydrated & healthy before your appointment. Good skin care and healthy skin creates the best canvas for all procedures.
Must not use Accutane for 1 year before Permanent Makeup
DO NOT use products containing Retinol as well as any anti-aging or acne products on the brow area 4 weeks prior to your appointment. These products cause poor retention due to encouraging skin cell turnover. Using these products after healing will fade color prematurely. Hyaluronic Acid is ok and great for the skin.
Any waxing or brow shaping should be done at least 2 days before. If you tint your brows, tint at least 2 weeks before or 4 weeks after the procedure.
Diabetics are candidates for permanent makeup. We add 2 weeks to their healing time (8 weeks total) before getting a touch up.
Chemotherapy/radiation cycling must be completed for at least 6 weeks. We cannot perform permanent makeup procedures while receiving chemo or radiation.
NOTE: For safety & sanitation and to avoid cross contamination, we ask that you do not touch your fresh tattoo at your appointment. At home, wash hands thoroughly with antibacterial soap before performing aftercare to avoid infection. New tattoos are wounds and must be treated with care.
After your appointment:
​Great results are 50% procedure and 50% aftercare. It is very important to follow these instructions for the full 6 week healing period to ensure proper healing and color retention. Results depend on many factors and will vary for all individuals. Results cannot be forseen, predicted or guaranteed.
Day of Appointment:
Gently wash your new brows every hour for the rest of the day. If you will not be going directly home, we can provide you with wet wipes to blot lymphatic fluid from your brows. This step is very important for achieving the best color retention.
Day 2-10:​
Use a mild soap (we love baby shampoo, CeraVe, Cetaphil, Dove or Dial anti-bacterial handsoap) and clean finger tips to gently wash your brows 1-2x per day everyday for 10 days. Be extra gentle during the flaking stage. DO NOT disturb, scrub or pick off flakes. Be gentle. Let them fall off naturally to prevent color loss.
Make sure to blot brows completely dry with a clean towel after washing. Allow NO WATER to collect or sit in the brow area. Wait until brows are dry before apply ointment.
AVOID sweaty activities for 10 days but ESPECIALLY the first3 days. The salt in sweat will cause color to be lifted to the surface of the skin (the process of osmosis). This will cause most/all of the color to become part of the scab and fall out later during the flaky/peeling stage.
AVOID too much steam and hot water in the shower. Especially during the flaking stage because the scab can get soggy and flakes will come off before they're ready which can result in poor color retention. You can get brows wet in the shower, just don't have them wet for too long. We suggest washing your hair last and gently pat brows dry when you get out.
RESIST THE URGE to pick the scabs. The color will not return and will require additional touch ups. It is normal for color to look light or "missing" under the area where scabs fall off. This is the "ghosting stage". Color will resurface slowly over the next 6 weeks.
Do not expect your cosmetic tattoos to heal perfectly after the first session. This is a 2 (occasionally 3) step process. Permanent Makeup is completed in stages. Similar to creating a beautiful cake or first layer of nail polish. The first session is just the first layer and not a finished look. Please be patient during your healing process. Your results will change and appear different from day to day but don't worry, this is completely normal for everyone.
Immediately after your procedure, color will appear bold, darker and more defined. Color may appear more solid and a darker color than your desired color but don't worry, this is normal and temporary. Color will be about 40-60% lighter when healed at 6 weeks.
Next, a scab begins to form. Brows can sometimes look a bit uneven during this stage as the top layer dries out and the scab forms. Around the end of the first week you will experience flaking. Please DO NOT PICK your tattoo, let any dryness fall off naturally. If flakes get picked or accidentally rubbed off prematurely, color loss will result and cause patchy color. Attempting to exfoliate/scrub off flakes can lead to scarring and color loss and additional touch ups will be needed.
The "Ghosting Stage" (weeks 2-5): When the flaking comes off (usually around 7-10 days), it is normal for it to look like the color is gone or patchy. This can feel alarming but is completely NORMAL. Color will slowly resurface by week 6 but it will be about 40-60% lighter and more natural looking than day 1. Give your tattoo a few weeks and the color will become clearer. Color will continue to change on a daily basis until all healing is complete. "Trust The Process"
Permanent Makeup stages are usually: Too dark, then peeling, then too light, then healed & ready for a touch up to add more color, replace any lost color and also add finishing touches to the design. The first appointment is mostly just getting that first layer of color down, similar to applying the first layer of nail polish. The touch up is where we add the next layer of color and complete the design and finishing touches. This is the fun part! We can also modify the design and make any changes you would like at the touch up. For example, go darker, thicker, modify the color, bring brows in closer, longer tails, etc...
You may experience itchiness in the brows due to the healing process of the dermal layer.
DO NOT sweat during first 10 days, especially the first 72 hours (to prevent color loss).
DO NOT use exfoliants, retinol acids, glycolic acid or AHA’s on the brow area. It will fade your tattoo prematurely.
DO NOT worry and overanalyze in the mirror while healing. Brows change constantly and the final results do not look like the healing stages. Feel free to relax and trust the process.
DO NOT run direct water on your tattoo during the first week.
DO NOT use Vaseline, coconut oil or A&D on your tattoo because they are not non-comedogenic. Ask your artist before applying any products to your tattoo. Most clients have better color retention if ointment/creams are not used.
DO NOT use any makeup on the tattoo for 10 days (to avoid infection)
DO NOT go into saunas, hot tubs, pools, and steam rooms for 2 weeks.
DO NOT get facials or skin treatments during the healing process.
DO NOT expose your tattoo to tanning or the sun during the healing process. After the first 14 days, SPF is important to make your results last longer.​
Allow your skin a MINIMUM of 6 weeks to heal before your touch up. It's takes a full 6 weeks for color to resurface.
Book your Touch Up appointment 1-3 months after your first session. Touch Ups are not included in the first session price. Please keep the high demand in mind. Touch ups after 3 months require an additional charge.
All permanent cosmetic procedures are a multi-session process. Please do not expect finished results after the first session. Brows usually look light and "unfinished" after only 1 session. After 10 days, you can apply brow makeup if desired while waiting for the touch up.
The first session is used to build shape, apply the first layer of color and gain symmetry.
The second session (1-3 Month Touch Up) is used to perfect the brows and add color, density and design.
This is usually a 2 session process to achieve the desired outcome. Occasionally, additional touch ups are needed to acheive each client's unique desired results.
There is NO GUARANTEE OF EXACT RESULTS as everyone’s result will vary due to skin type, lifestyle and the aftercare and long term care of your cosmetic tattoo. Taking care of your cosmetic tattoo will help retain color longer.​​

Annual Touch Ups
Getting a yearly color boost is the best way to keep your brows looking fresh, sharp, and defined.
However, every client is different! And some may need touch-ups more often than others and some may not need more color for a couple years. A great way to tell if your brows are due for a touch-up is to look out for the following statements:
✨ Your brows have noticeably shifted in color, to look a little too cool or too warm
✨ Your brows have lightened enough that your natural hair looks darker than the tattoo, and/or now you want to wear brow makeup again
✨ The edges are losing definition and becoming hard to see clearly
If more than 2 of these statements are true, then it might be that time to get your next appointment scheduled!

Use moisturizers and lip balm with SPF to protect your brows & lip blush. Sun exposure will cause fading and can alter the color of your tattoo.
Do not use retinol, glycolic acid, saliclyic acid, or chemical exfoliants on/near the brows, this will case the brows to fade faster.
Products and treatments that encourage cell turnover can potentially fade color by causing the top layer of color to shed.
Laser treatments (IPL etc...) can alter your tattoo color.
We suggest annual Touch Ups to refresh color and maintain fresh results.